Labour Day 2018
Labour Day 2018 Event on the World Day of Labor, an evening of gratitude for the spirit of tolerance and acceptance Video Gallery Photo Gallery Share & Spread
Labour Day 2019
Labour Day 2019 Event on the World Day of Labor, an evening of gratitude for the spirit of tolerance and acceptance Video Gallery Photo Gallery Share & Spread
Dialogue Between Arabic and Chinese Civilizations
Dialogue Between Arabic and Chinese Civilizations Photography As a means of promoting and embodying the concept of human fraternity, it is important for countries and cultures to strengthen their relationships with each other. In 2019 the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence held a conference strengthening the relationship between the United Arab Emirates and the People’s […]
Enriching Knowledge Content of Tolerance
Enriching Knowledge Content of Tolerance Photography The Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence emphasizes the importance of focusing on the content of knowledge presented to the public, whether its printed, electronic, or by any other platform which will have a great impact of the community. In this regard, an action plan was designed to implement a […]
Hay Abu Dhabi
Hay Abu Dhabi Photography Hay Festival Abu Dhabi brought writers and readers together for conversation and new ideas. From 25 to 28 February 2020, 99 internationally acclaimed writers and performers from 20 countries gathered together for four days of entertainment and inspiration Video Gallery Photo Gallery All Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Share […]